I don't make New Year's resolutions. If something's worth correcting, I handle it at that moment... unless I procrastinate or forget about it entirely. Kinda like this website I've been working on for over a year. 'Working on' is a bit inaccurate. Technically speaking, I did start this back in September of 2023, but I've probably put in all of 10 hours towards it in that time. I have the hardest time saying, "Yes, this is my brand, and this is how I want to represent myself."
Well, enough of that. I decided, at last, to hammer it out and I'm pleased to announce the latest relaunch of WyattHarris.com. "Wait, relaunch?" I hear you say. Yeah, WyattHarris.com has existing in some fashion since 2001. For a fun little diversion, I checked the WayBackMachine over at Archive.org to see if any of the ghosts of websites past still exist.
2001 - The Grand Experiment

Wow, look at that old school layout. I wish all the images and artwork had carried over as well. I taught IT at a private college and one of my classes was HTML, so the website served as an ongoing experiment anytime new tech came out.
2011 - The Project

Good old phpBB forum. I needed a project site, and this was before the days of Teams, Sharepoint etc., so I volunteered the old dog for service.
2013 - Wordpress

I needed someplace to put out content that didn't fit into the YouTube mold, so I joined the Wordpress horde. Below are some of the highlights.

This site worked well for a time... until it didn't. Running a private Wordpress takes a lot of maintenance. Well, maybe not that much but I didn't feel like doing any and so the site was compromised, and I had to delete the whole thing.
2015 - Back to Default

2023 - Idling

And so, it sat waiting for today.
Starting 2025 on the good foot. I plan to make regular updates around a monthly schedule but nothing concrete. We'll play it by ear.
Happy New Year!